

Diving into your organization is the kick off to our working relationship together. We introduce ourselves and then simply, un-apologetically sit quietly and let you do all the talking! We want to know what you’ve been doing, more about your product, your company’s organization structure, and then discuss your goals and objectives. We will immerse or dive in to your world and understand the nooks and crannies of your business.


What are your goals and objectives? Are they matched to your advertising and marketing needs? What are your direct sales goals and what are your marketing goals. Do they count toward the goals that are attributed to sales and marketing or does each have its own goal-set? Once we set out to define your goals and objectives, we will have a much better idea of the level of marketing efforts that are needed to bring your product to the marketing place it needs to be on.


What is your brand philosophy? Are you looking for a brand refresh or are you simply going to brief us on your brand, the guidelines, the things we can do with your logo/colors and more importantly, the things we cannot do. You will brief us on the tonality and the voice of your brand. And when we make recommendations, it will be informed, from a creative and strategic perspective to keep your brand top of mind.
Many rookie agencies overlook this because they are so anxious to introduce creative ideas that go to waste because brand guidelines are not adhered to.


Once we have learned everything we have learned about your organization and your goals, we begin our research for the market that you want to penetrate.


Our research process includes competitive analysis. We scour the marketplace to assess your competition and their marketing activity, their unique value propositions and their strengths and weaknesses. Based on that, we will assess them against your business.


When crafting your business plan or giving it an overhaul, it's critical to thoroughly understand your target customers. Understanding your target customers' demographics helps you determine exactly what your products or services will be, and what kind of customer service tactics work best.

Smart marketers know there are many subsets of every group targeted; not every message will work on every person. However, despite consumers' resistance to stereotyping in media, demographics certainly aren't becoming obsolete. It's still useful to get the big-picture view of your target consumers. If you know, for example, your product will be geared toward seniors, then your research will tell you the font on your website should be easy to read, with a white or light-colored background and that it should avoid excessive use of Flash.


When coming up with a plan, we develop communication and marketing strategies that effectively engage customers to build brand awareness and loyalty to drive sales growth.
This could include content messaging, media platforms, budgets, timing and communication strategies. It is single-handedly the most important document coming out of our agency.


After immersion, we create a SWOT analysis of your marketing plan for your product. This will help us (and you) better understand the elements of opportunities and challenges we face with your product in pursuit of peaking at the marketplace.
Here is a brief description of what the SWOT analysis stands for:

  • Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others
  • Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others
  • Opportunities: elements that the project could exploit to its advantage
  • Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project

(source: (Wikipedia-


Ahh! The Creative Brief. This is the key communication method to you, the client, and the agency (creative and marketing execution teams). The creative brief has explicit details about the determinations we have made for your campaign and so that the creative team can start to ideate and conceptualize on the numerous possibilities they can explore to make your brand stand out. It challenges the team, educates the team, “briefs” the team on all things “you”.



The creative brief, for the design team, is the leaping off point. It is where they review recommendations made by the marketing team, ask questions like “what’s the tone of the campaign?”, and marketing answers “electric but not over the top because our target audience is 35+ M/F”. It is where they start to salivate (metaphorically, of course) at the possibilities and explorations with the creative for the campaign.

Typically, the brief kicks off with a website, an “umbrella campaign” that can be morphed into all the communication methods that we have recommended (ie- eMail, Media Banners etc)


A literal “call” to “act” on your offer. Example: we have THE BEST APPLE JUICE IN THE MARKET (offer) , “CLICK HERE to see why (Call to Action)”. It is up to the creative team to make this CTA the most enticing, irresistible, impossible to ignore call to action. It’s the point of interactivity between your customer and you.


Making a website visit for your customer seamless and un-interruptive is called Good user experience.  Our design team strives for this for every project that we touch.



The best strategy, the best design, the best intentions and the best marketers can bear no confidence until execution is perfect.  Following best practices and with an obsession for perfect execution—it is imperative that your campaign and brand is executed perfectly.  That is our quality guarantee.

